All of Privy’s login methods result in a unified JSON representation of your user.

To get the current user, inspect the user object returned by the usePrivy hook:

const { user } = usePrivy();

Unauthenticated users

For unauthenticated users, the user object will be null.

Authenticated users

For authenticated users, you can use the following fields:

The user’s Privy DID, which you may use to identify your user on your backend


A JavaScript Date object of when the user was created


The custom metadata set for a given user

You can set custom metadata for a user via Privy’s backend server SDK and/or API endpoints.

The user object also contains information about all of the accounts a user has linked with Privy:

If a user has not linked an account of a given type, the corresponding field on the user object will be undefined.

Different account types contain different information about the underlying account. For example, you might use user.wallet.address to get a user’s Ethereum address and user.discord.username to get a user’s Discord username. Check out the SDK Reference to see what data each type contains.

Alternatively, you can also get a list of all the accounts a user has linked with Privy via user.linkedAccounts. Each account in this list is additionally annotated with a type field that denotes the type of account (‘email’, ‘phone’, ‘wallet’, etc.).

Users can have multiple passkeys linked to their account. To find all linked passkeys, use the linkedAccounts list and filter by passkey account type.

Below is an example of how you might use the user object in a minimal user profile:

Example User Profile
import { usePrivy } from "@privy-io/react-auth";

function User() {
const { ready, authenticated, user } = usePrivy();

// Show nothing if user is not authenticated or data is still loading
if (!(ready && authenticated) || !user) {
    return null;

return (
    <p>User {} has linked the following accounts:</p>
        <li>Apple: { ? : "None"}</li>
        <li>Discord: {user.discord ? user.discord.username : "None"}</li>
        <li>Email: { ? : "None"}</li>
        <li>Farcaster: {user.farcaster ? user.farcaster.username : "None"}</li>
        <li>GitHub: {user.github ? user.github.username : "None"}</li>
        <li>Google: { ? : "None"}</li>
        <li>Instagram: {user.instagram ? user.instagram.username : "None"}</li>
        <li>LinkedIn: {user.linkedin ? : "None"}</li>
        <li>Phone: { ? : "None"}</li>
        <li>Spotify: {user.spotify ? : "None"}</li>
        <li>Telegram: {user.telegram ? user.telegram.username : "None"}</li>
        <li>TikTok: {user.tiktok ? : "None"}</li>
        <li>Twitter: {user.twitter ? user.twitter.username : "None"}</li>
        <li>Wallet: {user.wallet ? user.wallet.address : "None"}</li>

Refreshing the user object

In order to update a user object after any type of backend update, (i.e. unlinking an account or setting custom metadata) you can ensure the user object in the application is up-to-date by invoking the refreshUser method from the useUser hook:

Example refresh User
import { useUser } from "@privy-io/react-auth";

const { user, refreshUser } = useUser();

const updateMetadata = async (value: string) => {
// Make API request to update custom metadata for a user from the backend
const response = await updateUserMetadata({ value });
await refreshUser();
// `user` object should be updated