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Customizing wallet UI prompts ​

By default, Privy will display a preview of any wallet actions so the user can confirm the request. While these UIs are highly customizable via props, Privy also enables you to disable these UIs and fully customize your product experience with your own components.


Only signatures and transactions requested from the embedded wallet allow for UI customization, as external wallet actions must be confirmed via the external wallet's UI, outside of the scope of Privy.

Customize confirmation modal ​

You can customize Privy's confirmation modals for signing messages and sending transactions via props, learn more in these guides:

Disable confirmation modals ​

To configure headless use of embedded wallets, navigate to the Embedded Wallet page in the Dashboard and turn "Add confirmation modals" off. This setting prevents Privy UIs that prompt the user to review before sending transactions and signing messages.


You can override the server configuration for confirmation modals on a per-client basis by setting the embeddedWallets.showWalletUIs config in the Privy SDK. This configuration option will take precedence over the server configuration.

You can then prompt the user for signatures and transactions with the embedded wallet using your own UIs, instead of displaying Privy's default UIs.

Disabling Privy's default wallet prompts can simplify your users' experience of using wallets. This is particularly useful for apps where verbose signature and transaction previews may be difficult for users to understand, or where there is a high UX cost to interrupting user flows for each required signature (e.g. gaming).


Choosing to disable the default wallet prompts has important implications regarding the trust relationship between your app and your users and your overall app security. Overriding the default prompts means you can submit transactions on behalf of your users when they are logged in and active without their explicit approval. Your app is responsible for communicating clear and accurate context to your users about the actions they are taking with their wallet at all times.