Privy offers low-level APIs you can use to interact with wallets and user objects directly. This means APIs to interface with the following resources:

  • Users: create user objects with appropriate linked accounts and pregenerate wallets for them.
  • Wallets: create, update and use wallets across blockchains.
  • Authorization keys: create and manage authorization keys to manage wallets.
  • Policies: create and manage policies tied to wallets.

Read more about direct API access below.

Base URL

All requests to the Privy API must be made to the following base URL:

HTTPS is required for all requests. HTTP requests will be rejected.


All API endpoints require authentication using Basic Auth and a Privy App ID header. Include the following headers with every request:


Basic Auth header with your app ID as the username and your app secret as the password.


Your Privy app ID as a string.

Requests missing either of these headers will be rejected by Privy’s middleware.

Your Privy app ID and app secret can be found in the App settings > Basics tab for your app.


fetch('', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': `Basic ${btoa('insert-your-app-id' + ':' + 'insert-your-app-secret')}`,
    'privy-app-id': 'insert-your-app-id',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));