curl --request POST \
--url{wallet_id}/export \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'privy-app-id: <privy-app-id>' \
--data '{
"encryption_type": "HPKE",
"recipient_public_key": "<base64-encoded-recipient-public-key>"
"encryption_type": "HPKE",
"ciphertext": "N3rWFx85foeomDu8054VcwNBIwPkVNt4i5m2av1sXsXeWrIicVGwutFist12MmnI",
"encapsulated_key": "BECqbgIAcs3TpP5GadS6F8mXkSktR2DR8WNtd3e0Qcy7PpoRHEygpzjFWttntS+SEM3VSr4Thewh18ZP9chseLE="
This endpoint exports a wallet’s private key using Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE). The following HPKE configuration is supported:
- KEM (Key Encapsulation Mechanism): DHKEM_P256_HKDF_SHA256
- KDF (Key Derivation Function): HKDF_SHA256
- AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data): CHACHA20_POLY1305
- Mode: BASE
curl --request POST \
--url{wallet_id}/export \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'privy-app-id: <privy-app-id>' \
--data '{
"encryption_type": "HPKE",
"recipient_public_key": "<base64-encoded-recipient-public-key>"
"encryption_type": "HPKE",
"ciphertext": "N3rWFx85foeomDu8054VcwNBIwPkVNt4i5m2av1sXsXeWrIicVGwutFist12MmnI",
"encapsulated_key": "BECqbgIAcs3TpP5GadS6F8mXkSktR2DR8WNtd3e0Qcy7PpoRHEygpzjFWttntS+SEM3VSr4Thewh18ZP9chseLE="
Request authorization signature. If multiple signatures are required, they should be comma
Path Parameters
ID of the wallet to export.
Currently only supports HPKE
(Hybrid Public Key Encryption).
Base64-encoded public key of the recipient who will decrypt the private key. This key must be generated securely and kept confidential.
Will be HPKE
to indicate Hybrid Public Key Encryption was used.
Base64-encoded encrypted private key.
Base64-encoded ephemeral public key used in the HPKE encryption process. Required for decryption.