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Linking additional accounts

Developers can use Privy to prompt users to link additional accounts (such as a wallet or Discord profile) at any point in their user journey, not just during login.

This is key to Privy's progressive onboarding: improving conversion and UX by requiring users to complete onboarding steps (e.g. connecting an account) only when necessary.

To prompt a user to link an account, use the respective method from the usePrivy hook:

  • linkApple to link an Apple account
  • linkDiscord to link a Discord account
  • linkEmail to link an email
  • linkFarcaster to link a Farcaster account
  • linkGithub to link a Github account
  • linkGoogle to link a Google account
  • linkInstagram to link a Instagram account
  • linkLinkedin to link a LinkedIn account
  • linkPasskey to link a passkey account
  • linkPhone to link a phone number
  • linkSpotify to link a Spotify account
  • linkTiktok to link a TikTok account
  • linkTwitter to link a Twitter account
  • linkWallet to link a wallet


Users are only permitted to link a single account for a given account type, except for wallets and passkeys. Concretely, a user may link at most one email address, but can link as many wallets and passkeys as they'd like.

Invoking these methods will open the Privy modal and guide the user through linking the desired account.

Sample prompt to link an email
Sample prompt to link a user's email after they have logged in.

Below is an example button for prompting a user to link an email to their account:

import {usePrivy} from '@privy-io/react-auth';

function Page() {
  const {ready, authenticated, user, linkEmail} = usePrivy();
  // You may replace this hook with any of the other `link-` hooks to
  // link a different account type.
  return (
    <button onClick={linkEmail} disabled={!ready || !authenticated || !!}>
      Link your email