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Configure smart wallets in the dashboard

To get started with smart wallets, navigate to the Smart wallet tab under the Embedded wallets page on the Privy Dashboard to configure your setups.

1. Enable smart wallets

First, enable the smart wallets toggle and select a smart wallet type. Privy currently supports Kernel, Biconomy, Light Account, and Safe as smart wallet types.

Sample enable smart wallets


If you modify your smart wallet type after users have already created smart wallets, Privy will provision the original smart wallet type for existing users to ensure they can access the accounts they already use.

2. Configure the supported networks

Next, configure the networks for your smart wallets. You should do this for any network that your app plans to use smart wallets on.

Sample enable smart wallets


Need smart wallet support on a network you don't see in the Dashboard? Reach out to get set up!

For each configured network, you can optionally provide a bundler URL and/or a paymaster URL.


The bundler URL specifies the node you want to use bundle operations from multiple users into a single transaction. If a bundler URL is not set for a network, Privy defaults to Pimlico's public bundler ({chainId}/rpc).


We strongly recommend setting your own bundler URL when taking smart wallets to production, to give you more control over bundler rate limits. Privy's default bundler is heavily rate limited and is not suitable for production usage.


The paymaster URL specifies the paymaster used to sponsor gas fees for the smart wallets on the network. If a paymaster URL is set, Privy will use that paymaster to sponsor gas fees for your users' transactions. If a paymaster URL is not set, your users' smart wallets must have a balance of the network's native currency to pay for gas fees for transactions.

For additional security, we strongly recommend setting Allowed domains for your paymaster and/or bundler through your provider's dashboard, to restrict usage of these URLs to only your website.

If you are looking to set up a paymaster or bundler for your app, we suggest the following providers:

ProviderGet started


If using ZeroDev for your paymaster or bundler, please append ?provider=PIMLICO as a query param to your URLs to configure the provider to be Pimlico (e.g.


If using Biconomy or Alchemy as a paymaster with @privy-io/react-auth, you will need to pass additional parameters to the SmartAccountsProvider. See our setup notes.