Wagmi is a set of React hooks for interfacing with Ethereum wallets, allowing you read wallet state, request signatures or transactions, and take read and write actions on the blockchain.

Privy is fully compatible with wagmi, and you can use wagmi’s React hooks to interface with external and embedded wallets from Privy. Just follow the steps below!

Integration steps

This guide assumes you have already integrated Privy into your app. If not, please begin with the Privy Quickstart.

1. Install dependencies

Install the latest versions of wagmi, @tanstack/react-query, @privy-io/react-auth, and @privy-io/wagmi:

npm i wagmi @privy-io/react-auth @privy-io/wagmi @tanstack/react-query

2. Setup TanStack Query

To start, set up your app with the TanStack Query’s React Provider. Wagmi uses TanStack Query under the hood to power its data fetching and caching of wallet and blockchain data.

To set up your app with TanStack Query, in the component where you render your PrivyProvider, import the QueryClient class and the QueryClientProvider component from @tanstack/react-query:

import {QueryClient, QueryClientProvider} from '@tanstack/react-query';

Next, create a new instance of the QueryClient:

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

Then, like the PrivyProvider, wrap your app’s components with the QueryClientProvider. This must be rendered inside the PrivyProvider component.

<PrivyProvider appId="your-privy-app-id" config={insertYourPrivyConfig}>
  <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>{children}</QueryClientProvider>

For the client property of the QueryClientProvider, pass the queryClient instance you created.

3. Setup wagmi

Next, setup wagmi. This involves creating your wagmi config and wrapping your app with the WagmiProvider.

While completing the wagmi setup, make sure to import createConfig and WagmiProvider from @privy-io/wagmi. Do not import these from wagmi directly.

Build your wagmi config

To build your wagmi config, import the createConfig method from @privy-io/wagmi:

import {createConfig} from '@privy-io/wagmi';

This is a drop-in replacement for wagmi’s native createConfig, but ensures that the appropriate configuration options are set for the Privy integration. Specifically, it allows Privy to drive wagmi’s connectors state, enabling the two libraries to stay in sync.

Next, import your app’s required chains from viem/chains and the http transport from wagmi. Your app’s required chains should match whatever you configure as supportedChains for Privy.

import {mainnet, sepolia} from 'viem/chains';
import {http} from 'wagmi';

// Replace this with your app's required chains

Lastly, call createConfig with your imported chains and the http transport like so:

// Make sure to import `createConfig` from `@privy-io/wagmi`, not `wagmi`
import {createConfig} from '@privy-io/wagmi';
export const config = createConfig({
  chains: [mainnet, sepolia], // Pass your required chains as an array
  transports: {
    [mainnet.id]: http(),
    [sepolia.id]: http(),
    // For each of your required chains, add an entry to `transports` with
    // a key of the chain's `id` and a value of `http()`

Wrap your app with the WagmiProvider

Once you’ve built your wagmi config, in the same component where you render your PrivyProvider, import the WagmiProvider component from @privy-io/wagmi.

import {WagmiProvider} from '@privy-io/wagmi';

This is a drop-in replacement for wagmi’s native WagmiProvider, but ensures the necessary configuration properties for Privy are set. Specifically, it ensures that the reconnectOnMount prop is set to false, which is required for handling the embedded wallet. Wallets will still be automatically reconnected on mount.

Then, like the PrivyProvider, wrap your app’s components with the WagmiProvider. This must be rendered inside both the PrivyProvider and QueryClientProvider components.

import {PrivyProvider} from '@privy-io/react-auth';
// Make sure to import `WagmiProvider` from `@privy-io/wagmi`, not `wagmi`
import {WagmiProvider} from '@privy-io/wagmi';
import {QueryClientProvider} from '@tanstack/react-query';
<PrivyProvider appId='insert-your-privy-app-id' config={insertYourPrivyConfig}>
  <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
    <WagmiProvider config={config}>

For the config property of the WagmiProvider, pass the config you created earlier.

Complete example

Altogether, this should look like:

import {QueryClient, QueryClientProvider} from '@tanstack/react-query';

import {PrivyProvider} from '@privy-io/react-auth';
// Make sure to import these from `@privy-io/wagmi`, not `wagmi`
import {WagmiProvider, createConfig} from '@privy-io/wagmi';

import {privyConfig} from './privyConfig';
import {wagmiConfig} from './wagmiConfig';

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

export default function Providers({children}: {children: React.ReactNode}) {
  return (
    <PrivyProvider appId="insert-your-privy-app-id" config={privyConfig}>
      <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
        <WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>{children}</WagmiProvider>

That’s it! You’ve successfully integrated Privy alongside wagmi in your app! 🎉

4. Use wagmi throughout your app

Once you’ve completed the setup above, you can use wagmi’s React hooks throughout your app to interface with wallets and take read and write actions on the blockchain.

Using wagmi hooks

To use wagmi hooks, like useAccount, in your components, import the hook directly from wagmi and call it as usual:

import {useAccount} from 'wagmi';

export default const WalletAddress = () => {
  const {address} = useAccount();
  return <p>Wallet address: {address}</p>;

Injected wallets, like the MetaMask browser extension, cannot be programmatically disconnected from your site; they can only be manually disconnected. In kind, Privy does not currently support programmatically disconnecting a wallet via wagmi’s useDisconnect hook. This hook “shims” a disconnection, which can create discrepancies between what wallets are connected to an app vs. wagmi.

Instead of disconnecting a given wallet, you can always prompt a user to connect a different wallet via the connectWallet method.

When to use Privy vs. wagmi

Both Privy’s out-of-the-box interfaces and wagmi’s React hooks enable you to interface with wallets and to request signatures and transactions.

If your app integrates Privy alongside wagmi, you should:

  • use Privy to connect external wallets and create embedded wallets
  • use wagmi to take read or write actions from a connected wallet

Updating the active wallet

With Privy, users may have multiple wallets connected to your app, but wagmi’s React hooks return information for only one connected wallet at a time. This is referred to as the active wallet.

To update wagmi to return information for a different connected wallet, first import the useWallets hook from @privy-io/react-auth and the useSetActiveWallet hook from @privy-io/wagmi:

import {useWallets} from '@privy-io/react-auth';
import {useSetActiveWallet} from '@privy-io/wagmi';

Then, find your desired active wallet from the wallets array returned by useWallets

const {wallets} = useWallets();
// Replace this logic to find your desired wallet
const newActiveWallet = wallets.find((wallet) => wallet.address === 'insert-your-desired-address');

Lastly, pass your desired active wallet to the setActiveWallet method returned by the useSetActiveWallet hook:

await setActiveWallet(newActiveWallet);

Demo app

Check out our wagmi demo app to see the hooks listed above in action.

Feel free to take a look at the app’s source code to see an end-to-end implementation of Privy with wagmi.