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Balance webhooks


Webhooks for server wallets are not yet live in production. This guide is intended to be a preview of upcoming functionality.

Privy emits webhooks whenever a server wallet's balance of a registered asset updates. This helps your application stay in sync with the assets in your server wallets, and easily track deposits, withdrawals and more.

To set up balance webhooks, follow the guide below.

Setup a webhooks URL

To start, go to the Webhooks page for your app in the Privy Dashboard and provide a destination URL for receiving webhooks.

Then, enable the 'wallet.balance_updated' event. You can next configure which assets Privy should emit 'wallet.balance_updated' events for.

Privy will emit a signed webhook to this URL whenever transaction status updates, and will retry delivery if the endpoint does not successfully respond to the original webhook.

Configure assets to track

Once you've enabled the 'wallet.balance_updated' event, you can then configure which assets you'd like to track via the Privy Dashboard.

Privy supports webhooks for native tokens (e.g. ETH, SOL) on EVM and Solana, ERC20 tokens on EVM, and SPL tokens on Solana.

Native tokens

To configure webhooks for native token balance changes, simply select the Native token asset type and provide the CAIP-2 chain ID for the network on which to track the native token.

ERC20 tokens

To configure webhooks for ERC20 token balance changes, simply select the ERC20 token asset type and provide:

  • the contract address for the ERC20 token
  • the CAIP-2 chain ID for the network on which to track the ERC20 token

SPL tokens

To configure webhooks for SPL token balance changes, simply select the SPL token asset type and provide:

  • the mint address for the SPL token
  • the CAIP-2 chain ID for the network on which to track the SPL token


When the balance of a registered asset in a server wallet changes, Privy will emit a webhooks payload with the following fields:

type'wallet.balance_updated'Event name for the webhook.
wallet_idstringID of the wallet whose the balance updated.
assetObjectAsset corresponding to the balance update.
asset.type'native-token' | 'erc20' | 'spl'Type of the asset corresponding to the balance update.
asset.addressstringContract address for an ERC20 asset, or mint address for an SPL asset. This field will only be included for the 'erc20' and 'spl' asset.types.
changenumberAbsolute change in the balance of the asset. Denominated in the native unit for the asset (e.g. ETH, not gwei, for ETH; SOL, not lamports, for SOL).
direction'increased' | 'decreased'Whether the balance of the asset increased or decreased.
balancenumberUpdated balance of the asset in the wallet. Denominated in the native unit for the asset (e.g. ETH, not gwei, for ETH; SOL, not lamports, for SOL).
transaction_hashstringHash for the transaction corresponding to the balance update.
senderstringSender of the transaction corresponding to the balance update.
recipientstringRecipient of the transaction corresponding to the balance update.
caip2stringCAIP-2 chain ID of the network where the balance updated.


Below is a sample webhooks payload that Privy might send on a deposit of 1000 USDC on Base into a server wallet.

  "event": "wallet.balance_updated",
  "wallet_id": "cm4db8x9t000ccn87pctvcg9j",
  "asset": {
    "type": "erc20",
    "address": "0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913"
  "change": 10000,
  "direction": "increased",
  "balance": 15000,
  "transaction_hash": "0x2446f1fd773fbb9f080e674b60c6a033c7ed7427b8b9413cf28a2a4a6da9b56c",
  "sender": "0x59D3eB21Dd06A211C89d1caBE252676e2F3F2218",
  "recipient": "0x59D3eB21Dd06A211C89d1caBE252676e2F3F2218",
  "chain_id": "eip155:8453"