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Importing multiple users

In addition to single user import, Privy also allows you to import your users in batches to simplify the migration process. You may import up to 20 users in a single request.

Using @privy-io/server-auth

Use the PrivyClient's importUsers method to import a single user into your Privy app.

const user = await privy.importUsers([
    linkedAccounts: [{type: 'email', address: '[email protected]'}],
    createEmbeddedWallet: true,
    linkedAccounts: [{type: 'email', address: '[email protected]'}],
    createEmbeddedWallet: true,
    linkedAccounts: [{type: 'phones', number: '+1 123 456 7890'}],
    createEmbeddedWallet: true,

As a parameter to the method, pass an array of ImportUserInput objects. Each object should contain the following fields:

linkedAccountsLinkedAccount[]An array including all of the user's linked accounts.

These objects are in the same shape as the linked accounts returned by getUser. For each linked account, you must specify the type and must not include a verifiedAt timestamp.
createEmbeddedWalletboolean(Optional) Whether to create an embedded wallet for the imported user. Defaults to false.

Using the REST API

Make a POST request to:


In the body of the request, include a users field with an array of up to 20 ImportUser objects. You can see the types for this object, and the nested LinkedAccount objects below.

 See the types for `ImportUser` objects


linked_accountsLinkedAccount[]An array including all of the user's linked accounts.
create_embedded_walletboolean(Optional) Whether to pregenerate an embedded wallet for the imported user. Defaults to false.
 See the types for LinkedAccount objects


  • Each account should be a JSON object including all the necessary fields for that account type. Valid account types are 'wallet', 'email', 'phone', 'discord_oauth', 'github_oauth', 'twitter_oauth', 'google_oauth', 'linkedin_oauth', 'farcaster', and 'custom_jwt'. See below for what additional information for each account type. Please exclude the verifiedAt field.
  • If importing a user with a custom_jwt account, the custom_jwt account must be the only element of the linked_accounts array. It is not permitted to import a user with a custom_jwt account and other linked_accounts.

EmailAccount extends LinkedAccount

addressstringEmail address of user account.

PhoneAccount extends LinkedAccount

numbertruePhone number of user account (non-international numbers default to US).

WalletAccount extends LinkedAccount

chain_type'ethereum'Type of chain for the wallet. Only EVM chains ('ethereum') are currently supported.
addressstringChecksummed wallet address.

GoogleAccount extends LinkedAccount

subjectstringsub pulled from Google-provided JWT with "openid" scope.
emailstringemail from Google-provided JWT with "email" scope.
namestringname from Google-provided JWT with "profile" scope.

GithubAccount extends LinkedAccount

subjectstringID of user from GitHub user API response.
emailstringEmail of user from GitHub user API response
namestringName of user from GitHub user API response
usernamestringUsername of user from GitHub user API response

(See GitHub docs)

DiscordAccount extends LinkedAccount

subjectstringID of user from Discord user API response.
emailstringEmail of user from Discord user API response
usernamestringUsername of user from Discord user API response. Include the 4-digit discriminator prefixed by '#'.

(See Discord docs)

TwitterAccount extends LinkedAccount

subjectstringID of user from Twitter user API response.
name stringName of user from Twitter user API response
usernamestringUsername of user from Twitter user API response. Do not include the '@'.

(See Twitter docs)

LinkedinAccount extends LinkedAccount

subjectstringID of user from LinkedIn user API response.
email stringEmail of user from LinkedIn user API response
namestringName of user from LinkedIn user API response. Do not include the '@'.

(See Linkedin docs)

SpotifyAccount extends LinkedAccount

subjectstringID of user from Spotify user API response.
emailstringEmail of user from Spotify user API.
name stringThe name displayed on a user's profile from Spotify display_name API response.

(See Spotify docs)

CustomJwtAccount extends LinkedAccount

custom_idstringID of user from Twitter user API response.


User import endpoints have heavier rate limit of 240 users per minute. If you are being rate limited, responses will have status code 429. We suggest you setup exponential back-offs starting at 1 second to seamlessly recover.

Below is a sample cURL command for importing multiple new users into Privy:

$ curl --request POST \
-u "<your-privy-app-id>:<your-privy-app-secret>" \
-H "privy-app-id: <your-privy-app-id>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
   "users": [
           "linked_accounts": [
                   "type": "github_oauth",
                   "subject": "837163725915354975",
                   "username": "Smiles",
                   "name": "The Joker",
                   "email": "[email protected]"
           "linked_accounts": [
                   "type": "wallet",
                   "chain_type": "ethereum",
                   "address": "0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045"
           "linked_accounts": [
                   "type": "phone",
                   "number": "18888675309"
           "linked_accounts": [
                   "type": "email",
                   "address": "[email protected]"

A successful response will include a list of results along with a few aggregates displaying the number of created, number of failed, and total number of users.

A result can either be successful or unsuccessful. This will be a CreateResultSuccess or CreateResultFailure object respectively; you can see the types for these objects below. A "success" status code from the API (e.g. 200) does not imply that all imports necessarily succeeded.

 See the types for CreateResult objects

CreateResult Object

action"create"The type of action performed on this object's input index.
indexnumber Index of input in request body that this action is being performed on.
successbooleanWhether the action was successful or not.

CreateResultSuccess extends CreateResult

successtrueIndicates the import action was successful.
idstringPrivy DID of the newly created user account.

CreateResultFailure extends CreateResult

successfalseIndicates the import action failed.
codenumberKnown error code representing failure reason.
errorstringHuman readable error message.
causestring Machine readable error cause (i.e. DID of offending user).

Error Codes and Causes

CodeErrorCause Description
100Unknown error.N/A
101Account conflict caused by an existing user. Multiple users cannot share the same account.DID of first existing user that conflicts with input. If the import contains multiple linked accounts, there may be more than one conflict.

Once a user has been imported into Privy, if they log in, all of their imported accounts (wallet, email, etc.) will be included in their user object.

If the imported user has an embedded wallet, that wallet will be available to the user upon sign in.

Below is a sample successful response for importing multiple new users into Privy:

  "results": [
      "action": "create",
      "index": 0,
      "success": true,
      "id": "did:privy:clfn2wysq01ijykc8gyq2j2t1"
      "action": "create",
      "index": 1,
      "success": false,
      "code": 101,
      "error": "Account conflict caused by an existing user. Multiple users cannot share the same account.",
      "cause": "did:privy:clfmxole300rmykc89nojp3v2"