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Signing requests with an authorization key

If you have an authorization key enabled in the Dashboard, all requests to take actions from user's wallets must be signed with this key. This helps ensure that only actions that explicitly authorized by your server are executed with delegated wallets.

Follow the guide below to ensure that requests to user's wallets are appropriately signed, whether you integrate the SDK or the REST API directly.

Using @privy-io/server-auth

To sign requests with Privy's Server SDK, when initializing your instance of the PrivyClient, pass your authorization private key from the dashboard to the client's constructor like so:

import { PrivyClient } from '@privy-io/server-auth';


const privy = new PrivyClient('insert-your-app-id', 'insert-your-app-secret', {
  walletApi: {
    authorizationPrivateKey: 'insert-your-authorization-private-key-from-the-dashboard'

If an authorization private key is passed in the constructor, the Privy client will automatically sign requests with the private key and include the signature as the required privy-authorization-signature header to Privy's API.

Using the REST API

If requesting Privy's REST API directly, your app must manually sign request payloads with your authorization private key. This involves three steps at a high-level:

  1. Generate a JSON payload containing the following fields. All fields are required unless otherwise specified.
version1Authorization signature version. Currently, 1 is the only version.
method'POST'HTTP method for the request. Currently, only 'POST' requests are used.
urlstringThe full URL for the request. Should not include a trailing slash.
bodyJSONJSON body for the request.
headersJSONJSON object containing any Privy-specific headers, e.g. those that are prefixed with 'privy-'. This should not include any other headers, such as authentication headers, content-type, or trace headers.
headers['privy-app-id']stringPrivy app ID header (required).
  1. Canonicalize the payload per RFC8785 and serialize it to a string. This GitHub repository links to various libraries for JSON canonicalization in different languages.
  2. Sign the serialized JSON with ECDSA P-256 using your app's private key and serialize it to a base64-encoded string.

See the code snippets below to serialize and sign requests with your app's private key.

import canonicalize from 'canonicalize'; // Support JSON canonicalization
import crypto from 'crypto'; // Support P-256 signing

// Replace this with your private key from the Dashboard
const PRIVY_AUTHORIZATION_KEY = 'wallet-auth:insert-your-private-key-here';

function getAuthorizationSignature({url, body}: {url: string; body: object}) {
  const payload = {
    version: 1,
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'privy-app-id': 'insert-your-app-id'

  // JSON-canonicalize the payload and convert it to a buffer
  const serializedPayload = canonicalize(payload) as string;
  const serializedPayloadBuffer = Buffer.from(serializedPayload);

  // Replace this with your app's authorization key. We remove the 'wallet-auth:' prefix
  // from the key before using it to sign requests
  const privateKeyAsString = PRIVY_AUTHORIZATION_KEY.replace('wallet-auth:', '');

  // Convert your private key to PEM format, and instantiate a node crypto KeyObject for it
  const privateKeyAsPem = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n${privateKeyAsString}\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`;
  const privateKey = crypto.createPrivateKey({
    key: privateKeyAsPem,
    format: 'pem',

  // Sign the payload buffer with your private key and serialize the signature to a base64 string
  const signatureBuffer = crypto.sign('sha256', serializedPayloadBuffer, privateKey);
  const signature = signatureBuffer.toString('base64');
  return signature;

const authorizationSignature = getAuthorizationSignature({
  url: '',
  // Replace with your desired body
  body: {
    address: '0xb8B849D7647937eB7331Dc7b6C445651A3EC55aE',
    chain_type: 'ethereum',
    method: 'personal_sign',
    params: {
      message: 'Hello, Ethereum',
      encoding: 'utf-8'

Setting the privy-authorization-signature header

Once you have signed your request with your authorization keypair, include the produced signature as the 'privy-authorization-signature' header for your request.