
Before you begin, make sure you have set up your Privy app and obtained your app ID and app secret from the Privy Dashboard.

Getting the PrivyClient

Import the PrivyClient class and create an instance of it, passing the Privy app ID and app secret as parameters.

Optionally, if you have an authorization key for a wallet, you can pass that on initialization as well.

import {PrivyClient} from '@privy-io/server-auth';
const privy = new PrivyClient('insert-your-app-id', 'insert-your-app-secret', {
  walletApi: {
    authorizationPrivateKey: 'insert-your-authorization-private-key-from-the-dashboard'

This privy PrivyClient is now your entry point to manage Privy from your server. With the PrivyClient you can interact with wallets with methods for creating wallets, signing and sending transactions. You can also manage users with methods for getting a user object, verifying an auth token, and importing new users.

Rate limits

Privy rate limits REST API endpoints that you may call from your server. If you suspect your team will require an increased rate limit, please reach out to support!

Learn more about optimizing your setup in our optimizing guide!