
Before you begin, make sure you have set up your Privy app and obtained your app ID and client ID from the Privy Dashboard.

A properly set up app client is required for mobile apps and other non-web platforms to allow your app to interact with the Privy API. Please follow this guide to configure an app client by following this guide here.

Initializing Privy

Initialize a Privy instance with your application context and a PrivyConfig object:

private val privy: Privy =
       context = applicationContext, // be sure to only pass in Application context
       config = PrivyConfig(
           appId = "YOUR_APP_ID",
           appClientId = "YOUR_APP_CLIENT_ID",
           logLevel = PrivyLogLevel.VERBOSE


The configuration fields for the PrivyConfig are:


Your Privy application ID, which can be obtained from the Privy Developer Dashboard, under App Settings > Basics


Your app client ID, which can be obtained from the Privy Developer Dashboard, under App Settings > Clients


(Optional) Your preferred log level. If no log level is specified, it will default to PrivyLogLevel.NONE.


(Optional) Only use this if you plan to use custom authentication. Find more information here.

Be sure to maintain a single instance of Privy across the lifetime of your application. Initializing multiple instances of Privy will result in unexpected errors.

Waiting for Privy to be ready

When the Privy SDK is initialized, the user’s authentication state will be set to NotReady until Privy finishes initialization. This might include checking if the user has a wallet connected, refreshing expired auth tokens, fetching up-to-date user data, and more.

It’s important to wait until Privy has finished initializing before you consume Privy’s state and interfaces, to ensure that the state you consume is accurate and not stale.

For your convenience, we’ve added a suspending awaitReady() function that you can use to wait for Privy to finish initializing:

// Launch a coroutine in order to await Privy's ready state
viewModelScope.launch {
  // Show loading UI
  uiState = .loading

  // Await ready

  // Check if user is authenticated
  val isPrivyUserAuthenticated = privy.authState.value.isAuthenticated()

  // Show loaded UI accordingly
  uiState = .loaded(isPrivyUserAuthenticated)