App clients allow you to create configure specific settings for different consumers/platforms for your app, including mobile apps, web apps, and more.

To add a client, go to the Configuration > App settings page > Clients tab, and find the “Add app client” button.

This step is optional if you’re using the React SDK. App clients are required for all other mobile and non-web platforms to allow your app to interact with the Privy API.


Once you enable HttpOnly cookies on your app and add an app domain, Privy will automatically store a user’s token as an HttpOnly cookie on the app domain. You can use app clients to enable or disable cookies for different environments.

Learn more about cookies here!.

Allowed origins

Each app client can have a different set of allowed origins. You can set allowed origins on your app client. Note that if cookies are enabled, the app’s domain must be one of the allowed origins.

Learn more about allowed origins here!.

Session duration

You can set the session duration for each app client. The session duration is the number of days that a user’s session will last before they are logged out.