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Documentation / react-auth / useLoginWithSms

Function: useLoginWithSms()

useLoginWithSms(callbacks?): UseLoginWithSms

Use this hook to log the user in with sms, without using any Privy UIs.


callbacks?: Object

callbacks.onComplete?: (params) => void

Callback that will execute once a login flow successfully completes.

  • If config.embeddedWallets.createOnLogin is set to 'off' or a wallet creation flow is not applicable, this will run after the user successfully authenticates.
  • If config.embeddedWallets.createOnLogin is set to 'users-without-wallets' or 'all-users', this will run after the user successfully authenticates and creates their wallet (if applicable).
  • If a user is already authenticated, this will run immediately and the wasAlreadyAuthenticated flag will be set to true.

ParamUser the user oject corresponding to the authenticated user

Param {boolean} boolean flag indicating if this is the user's first time logging in to your app

Param {boolean} - boolean flag indicating whether the user entered the application already authenticated

Param {string} - the method used by the user to login

Param the account corresponding to the loginMethod used

callbacks.onError?: (error) => void

Callback that will execute in the case of a non-successful login.

ParamPrivyErrorCode - the corresponding error code



sendCode - [sendCode]([object Object]) sends a one-time-code to the user's phone number.

loginWithCode - [loginWithCode]([object Object]) - logs a user in with a one-time-code, maximum 5 attempts.

state - OtpFlowState - the current state of the login with Email flow.