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Documentation / react-auth / useLinkAccount

Function: useLinkAccount() ​

useLinkAccount(callbacks?): Object

Use this hook to link a new account to an authenticated user, and to attach callbacks for success and errors.

Parameters ​

• callbacks?: Object

• callbacks.onError?: (error, details) => void

Callback that will execute in the case of a non-successful account linking.

Param {PrivyErrorCode} - the corresponding error code

Param {LoginMethod} - the type of (attempted) linked account

• callbacks.onSuccess?: (params) => void

Callback that will execute once on a successful linking of a new account/login method. This will run when any of the 'link' methods are called manually.

ParamUser- the user the account was linked to

Param [LoginMethod]([object Object])- the type of linked account

Param the newly linked account

Returns ​


linkEmail - opens the Privy modal and prompts the user to link an email address

linkPhone - opens the Privy modal and prompts the user to link a phone number

linkWallet - opens the Privy modal and prompts the user to link an external wallet

linkGoogle - immediately redirects to Google login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkApple - immediately redirects to Apple login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkTwitter - immediately redirects to Twitter login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkDiscord - immediately redirects to Discord login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkGithub - immediately redirects to Github login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkLinkedIn - immediately redirects to LinkedIn login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkTikTok - immediately redirects to TikTok login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkSpotify - immediately redirects to Spotify login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkInstagram - immediately redirects to Instagram login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkTelegram - immediately redirects to Telegram login page and prompts the user to link their account

linkFarcaster - displays a QR code to sign in with Farcaster and prompts user to link their account

linkApple ​

linkApple: () => void

Returns ​


linkDiscord ​

linkDiscord: () => void

Returns ​


linkEmail ​

linkEmail: () => void

Returns ​


linkFarcaster ​

linkFarcaster: () => void

Returns ​


linkGithub ​

linkGithub: () => void

Returns ​


linkGoogle ​

linkGoogle: () => void

Returns ​


linkInstagram ​

linkInstagram: () => void

Returns ​


linkLinkedIn ​

linkLinkedIn: () => void

Returns ​


linkPhone ​

linkPhone: () => void

Returns ​


linkSpotify ​

linkSpotify: () => void

Returns ​


linkTelegram ​

linkTelegram: (options?) => void

Parameters ​

• options?: Object

• options.launchParams?: Object

• options.launchParams.initDataRaw?: string

Returns ​


linkTiktok ​

linkTiktok: () => void

Returns ​


linkTwitter ​

linkTwitter: () => void

Returns ​


linkWallet ​

linkWallet: (options?) => void

Parameters ​

• options?: ExternalConnectWalletModalOptions | MouseEvent<any, any>

Returns ​
