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Documentation / react-auth / ConnectorManager

Class: ConnectorManager ​

Extends ​

  • EventEmitter<ConnectorManagerEvents>

Constructors ​

new ConnectorManager(privyAppId, walletConnectCloudProjectId, rpcConfig, chains, defaultChain, store, walletList, shouldEnforceDefaultChainOnConnect, externalWalletConfig, privyAppName, privyAppLogo, walletChainType) ​

new ConnectorManager(privyAppId, walletConnectCloudProjectId, rpcConfig, chains, defaultChain, store, walletList, shouldEnforceDefaultChainOnConnect, externalWalletConfig, privyAppName, privyAppLogo?, walletChainType?): ConnectorManager

Parameters ​

• privyAppId: string

• walletConnectCloudProjectId: string

• rpcConfig: RpcConfig

• chains: Chain[]

• defaultChain: Chain

• store: Store

• walletList: WalletListEntry[]

• shouldEnforceDefaultChainOnConnect: boolean

• externalWalletConfig: Required<ExternalWalletsConfig>

• privyAppName: string

• privyAppLogo?: string

• walletChainType?: "ethereum-and-solana" | "ethereum-only" | "solana-only"

Returns ​


Overrides ​


Properties ​

activeWallet? ​

private activeWallet?: string

chains ​

private chains: Chain[]

defaultChain ​

private defaultChain: Chain

externalWalletConfig ​

private externalWalletConfig: Required<ExternalWalletsConfig>

initialized ​

initialized: boolean

privyAppId ​

private privyAppId: string

private privyAppLogo?: string

privyAppName ​

private privyAppName: string

rpcConfig ​

private rpcConfig: RpcConfig

shouldEnforceDefaultChainOnConnect ​

private shouldEnforceDefaultChainOnConnect: boolean

store ​

private store: Store

storedConnections ​

private storedConnections: StoredConnection[]

walletChainType ​

private walletChainType: "ethereum-and-solana" | "ethereum-only" | "solana-only"

walletConnectCloudProjectId ​

private walletConnectCloudProjectId: string

walletConnectors ​

walletConnectors: WalletConnector[]

walletList ​

private walletList: WalletListEntry[]

Accessors ​

wallets ​

get wallets(): BaseConnectedWallet[]

The core wallets array that is exposed to developers. It builds the wallets away with the following logic:

  1. Flatten all wallets from all connectors
  2. Sorted by connectedAt
  3. Active wallet is moved to front of array (if it exists)

Returns ​


Methods ​

activeWalletSign() ​

activeWalletSign(message): Promise<null | string>

Parameters ​

• message: string

Returns ​

Promise<null | string>

Deprecated ​

Deprecated: This feature will be removed and should be replaced by interfacing with wallets directly.

Performing personal_sign with the most recently connected wallet. If there is not a wallet connected, return null. Only supports signing with Ethereum wallets.

createEthereumWalletConnector() ​

createEthereumWalletConnector(__namedParameters): Promise<null | EthereumWalletConnector>

Creates a new wallet connector for the given connector type and wallet client type. If a connector already exists, it will be returned instead.

Parameters ​

• __namedParameters: Object

• __namedParameters.connectorType: string

• __namedParameters.providers?: Object

• __namedParameters.providers.eip6963InjectedProvider?: EIP6963ProviderDetail<Object, "com.coinbase" | "com.enkrypt" | "io.metamask" | "io.zerion" | string & Object>

• __namedParameters.providers.legacyInjectedProvider?: any

• __namedParameters.walletClientType: string

• __namedParameters.walletConfig?: MobileWalletConfig

Returns ​

Promise<null | EthereumWalletConnector>

findEmbeddedWalletConnectors() ​

findEmbeddedWalletConnectors(): EmbeddedWalletConnector[]

Helper function to find all embedded HD wallet connectors with connectorType: 'embedded'. Does not include embedded imported wallet connectors, which have connectorType: 'embedded_imported'.

Returns ​


findSolanaWalletConnector() ​

findSolanaWalletConnector(walletClientType): null | SolanaWalletConnector

Helper function to find a solana wallet connector by connector type and wallet client type.

Parameters ​

• walletClientType: string

Returns ​

null | SolanaWalletConnector

findWalletConnector() ​

findWalletConnector(connectorType, walletClientType): null | EthereumWalletConnector

Helper function to find a wallet connector by connector type and wallet client type.

Parameters ​

• connectorType: string

• walletClientType: string

Returns ​

null | EthereumWalletConnector

getEthereumProvider() ​

getEthereumProvider(): EIP1193Provider

Returns ​


Deprecated ​

Deprecated: This feature will be removed and should be replaced by interfacing with wallets directly (wallets[0].getEthereumProvider()).

Build an Ethereum provider for the most recently connected wallet.

setActiveWallet() ​

setActiveWallet(address): void

Parameters ​

• address: string

Returns ​


Deprecated ​

Deprecated: This feature will be removed and should be replaced by interfacing with wallets directly.