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Importing the SDK

Privy's Unity SDK is distributed as a .unitypackage file, and is not yet available in Unity’s package manager. To import the SDK, request access from [email protected], download the .unitypackage, and open your project in the Unity editor.

Installing the package

Then, in the menu of the Unity editor, select Assets → Import Package → Custom Package:

Confirm the import of the custom package. A window will pop up listing all the assets included in the package; click Import to add all the assets to your project.


Privy's Unity package includes dependencies such as Newtonsoft.Json and unity-webview. If your project already includes these packages, the Unity Editor should automatically detect them and uncheck them by default. However, if this doesn't happen, you should manually deselect these packages during the import process to avoid potential duplicate instances, which could lead to errors.

Using the Privy namespace

All Privy classes in Unity live in the Privy namespace. At the top of each file that uses Privy, you must add the using Privy directive:

using Privy;