
This guide assumes that you have completed the setup guide.

Authenticate your user

Privy offers a variety of authentication mechanisms. The example below showcases authenticating a user via email.

This is a two step process:

  1. Send an OTP to the user provided email address.
  2. Verify the OTP sent to the user.

1. Send an OTP to the user’s email address

After collecting and validating your users email, send an OTP by calling the SendCode method.

bool success = await PrivyManager.Instance.Email.SendCode(email);

if (success)
	// Prompt user to enter the OTP they received at their email address through your UI
  // There was an error sending an OTP to your user's email

2. Authenticate with OTP

The user will then receive an email with a 6-digit OTP. Prompt the user for this OTP within your application, then authenticate the user with the loginWithCode method. As a parameter to this method, pass an object with the following fields:

    // User will be authenticated if this call is successful
    await PrivyManager.Instance.Email.LoginWithCode(email, code);
    // If "LoginWithCode" throws an exception, user login was unsuccessful.
    Debug.Log("Error logging user in.");

This method will throw an error if:

  • the incorrect OTP code is inputted
  • the network call to authenticate the user fails

The embedded wallet

Create an embedded wallet

Privy’s embedded wallets are currently only compatible with the Ethereum blockchains.

To create an embedded wallet for your user, call the CreateWallet method on the PrivyUser.

try {
    PrivyUser privyUser = PrivyManager.Instance.User;

    if (privyUser != null) {
        IEmbeddedWallet wallet = await PrivyManager.Instance.User.CreateWallet();
        Debug.Log("New wallet created with address: " + wallet.address);
} catch {
    Debug.Log("Error creating embedded wallet.");

This method will throw an error if:

  • the user is not authenticated
  • the user already has an embedded wallet
  • wallet creation fails on the user’s device

To use embedded wallets, Privy implements an RpcProvider on the EmbeddedWallet class of the Unity SDK. This is an EIP1193 provider is responsible for managing RPC requests to a user’s embedded wallet.

Currently, Privy’s RpcProvider only supports the personal_sign and eth_signTypedData_v4 RPCs. We are actively adding support for other methods.

1. Get the user’s wallet

To make an RPC request to a user’s wallet, first get the user’s embedded wallet like so:

// Ensure user is authenticated / non null

PrivyUser privyUser = PrivyManager.Instance.User;

if ( privyUser != null ) {
	// Grab the embedded wallet from the embedded wallet list
	// For demonstration purposes we're just grabbing the first one.
	IEmbeddedWallet embeddedWallet = PrivyManager.Instance.User.EmbeddedWallet[0];

	//Ensure the Wallet is not null
	if ( embeddedWallet != null ) {
		//wallet operations

2. Construct your RPC request

Next, construct the RPC request using the RpcRequest class from Privy. The class follows the interface below:

public class RpcRequest
    public string Method { get; set; }
    public string[] Params { get; set; }


As an example, you can construct a new RPC request like so.

var rpcRequest = new RpcRequest
    Method = "personal_sign", //a supported method
    Params = new string[] { "A message to sign", embeddedWallet.Address } //an array of strings, with the message + address

3. Execute the RPC request

Now, simply pass the rpcRequest you constructed to the RpcProvider’s Request method to execute the request:

try {
	//Now that the response has been constructed, we try to execute the request
	RpcResponse personalSignResponse = await embeddedWallet.RpcProvider.Request(rpcRequest);

	//If response is successful, we can parse out the data
} catch (PrivyException.EmbeddedWalletException ex){
		//If the request method fails, we catch it here
    Debug.LogError($"Could not sign message due to error: {ex.Error} {ex.Message}");
} catch (Exception ex) {
		//If there's some other error, unrelated to the request, catch this here
    Debug.LogError($"Could not sign message exception {ex.Message}");

This will return an RpcResponse, which implements the interface below:

public class RpcResponse
    public string Method { get; set; }
    public string Data { get; set; }


Handling errors

The provider’s Request method may error if:

  • the user is not authenticated
  • the user’s wallet does not exist or has not loaded on their device
  • there is an issue with the RPC request that was sent to the wallet

These errors can be caught through a generic exception, or Privy’s custom AuthenticationException or EmbeddedWalletException:

catch (PrivyException.AuthenticationException ex)
    Debug.LogError($"Error signing message, Type:{ex.Error}, Message:{ex.Message}");
catch (PrivyException.EmbeddedWalletException ex){
    Debug.LogError($"Could not sign message due to error: {ex.Error} {ex.Message}");
} catch {
	  Debug.LogError("Error signing message");

Full example

As a complete example, you can send an RPC request to a wallet and handle corresponding errors like so:

try {
    IEmbeddedWallet embeddedWallet = PrivyManager.Instance.User.EmbeddedWallets[0];

    var rpcRequest = new RpcRequest
        Method = "personal_sign",
        Params = new string[] { "A message to sign", embeddedWallet.Address }  // Use the 'new' keyword here

    RpcResponse personalSignResponse = await embeddedWallet.RpcProvider.Request(rpcRequest);

} catch (PrivyException.EmbeddedWalletException ex){
    Debug.LogError($"Could not sign message due to error: {ex.Error} {ex.Message}");
} catch (Exception ex) {
    Debug.LogError($"Could not sign message exception {ex.Message}");

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