Creating a wallet and sending a transaction with Privy’s REST API
0. Prerequisites
API credentials are required for this guide. If you have not already gone through the API setup guide, go through those steps now.
1. Create a wallet
Let’s create a simple Ethereum wallet:
Authorization signatures are an optional security improvement that requires all requests to be authorized by you.
The response will include the wallet ID and public address:
2. Sign a message
Now let’s sign a message with our new wallet:
The response will contain the signed message:
3. Send a transaction
Finally, let’s send a transaction on Ethereum’s testnet, Sepolia:
You will need to fund your wallet with Sepolia ETH for this step. Use a Sepolia faucet and send it to the public address.
The response will contain the transaction hash and a Privy transaction ID:
Next steps
Now that you’ve created a wallet and made your first transaction, you can explore:
- Creating policies to control wallet spending and contract interaction
- Setting up webhooks for real-time transaction notifications
- Using idempotency keys to prevent duplicate transactions
- Setting up quorum authorizations for sensitive wallets
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