Before using any Privy SDK, you’ll need to create a new app in the Privy Dashboard. This will give you an app ID and app secret that you’ll use to authenticate your app with Privy’s APIs.

We recommend creating a new app for each environment (e.g. development, staging, production) to keep your API credentials secure.

Create an app

Login to the Privy Dashboard and create a new app if you haven’t already.

Get API credentials

Navigate to the Configuration > App settings > Basics tab for your app.

Here you’ll find your:

  • App ID: A unique identifier for your application. It is a public value that can be safely exposed.
  • App Secret: A secret key used to authenticate API requests. Do not expose it outside of your backend server.

Privy does not store your app secret. Lost app secrets cannot be recovered and must be re-generated.

Configure login methods (optional)

If you plan on using Privy for user onboarding, you’ll need to configure the login methods you want to use in your app. All client SDKs require at least one login method to be enabled - follow the steps below to set up different options for your users!

Basic login methods

For most apps, we recommend either including alternative login options alongside the following, or enabling Multi-Factor Authentication. This ensures broad accessibility across all regions and that users can continue accessing their accounts in the event that they lose access to one login method.

Social providers

Privy allows you to log users into their accounts with existing social accounts, such as Google, Twitter, Farcaster, Telegram, and more! Follow the steps below to enable different social account login methods for your users.

Third-Party auth provider

If you plan to use Privy with a custom authentication provider like Auth0, Stytch, or Firebase, use the Third-Party auth page of the dashboard to register the required information from your provider. Otherwise, skip this guide!

Don’t see the Third-Party Auth page in the Dashboard? Please request access to this feature via the Plugins tab on the Integrations page.

Enable server wallets (optional)

Navigate to the Plugins tab for your app.

Request access to the Server Wallets plugin. Once your request has been approved, when viewing your app in the Dashboard, a Wallet infrastructure section will appear in the sidebar.

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