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Login with Farcaster

To authenticate a user via Farcaster (SIWF), use the Expo SDK's useLoginWithFarcaster hook

Initializing the login flow

To initialize login, use the loginWithFarcaster function from useLoginWithFarcaster hook to start the Farcaster login flow.

import {useLoginWithFarcaster} from '@privy-io/expo';
const {loginWithFarcaster, state} = useLoginWithFarcaster();

As a parameter to loginWithFarcaster, you should pass an object containing:

relyingPartystringYour app's website as a string. Described in SIWF spec as "Origin domain of app frontend.", see Connect section.
redirectUrlstring (optional)A URL path that Warpcast will automatically redirect to after successful authentication. This defaults to a link back to your app root, eg. '/', if not provided.

Optionally as a second parameter, you can pass in an object containing:

pollIntervalMsnumberThe interval in milliseconds which your app will poll a status endpoint to check if the user has successfully signed in using Warpcast.
pollAttemptsnumberThe number of polling attempts that will be made to check for successful login.


If you pass in custom polling configuration, make sure to give the user enough time to go through the login process on Warpcast. The default values are pollIntervalMs = 1000 and pollAttempts = 10 giving the user 10 seconds to go through the login process. In our testing, this is usually enough time, but you may want to make it longer.

When this method is invoked, the user will be deeplinked to the Warpcast app on their device if they have it installed, or an installation page for the app. Within the Warpcast app, they can complete the login flow.

import {useLoginWithFarcaster, usePrivy} from '@privy-io/expo';

export function LoginScreen() {
  const {user} = usePrivy();
  const {loginWithFarcaster} = useLoginWithFarcaster();

  if (user) {
    return (
        <Text>Logged In</Text>
        <Text>{JSON.stringify(user, null, 2)}</Text>

  return (
        onPress={() => {
          loginWithFarcaster({relyingParty: ''});

If loginWithFarcaster succeeds, it will return a PrivyUser object with details about the authenticated user.

Reasons loginWithFarcaster might fail include:

  • the network request fails
  • the login attempt is made after the user is already logged in
  • the user cancels the login flow after being linked out to Warpcast
  • the user takes too long to login and the polling time expires

To handle these failures, use the onError callback as described below.


Optional callbacks can be passed to useLoginWithFarcaster to handle events that occur during the authentication or linking flows.

const {state, loginWithFarcaster} = useLoginWithFarcaster({
  onSuccess: console.log,
  onError: console.error,


Pass an onSuccess function to useLoginWithFarcaster to run custom logic after a successful login. Within this callback you can access the PrivyUser returned by loginWithFarcaster, as well as an isNewUser boolean indicating if this is the user's first login to your app.

You can use this callback with both the useLoginWithFarcaster hook.


After a user has already been authenticated, you can link their Farcaster account to an existing account by following the same flow with the useLinkWithFarcaster hook instead.

import {useLoginWithFarcaster} from '@privy-io/expo';

export function LoginScreen() {
  const {loginWithFarcaster} = useLoginWithFarcaster({
    onSuccess(user, isNewUser) {
      // show a toast, send analytics event, etc...

  // ...


Pass an onError function to useLoginWithFarcaster to declaratively handle errors occur during the flow.

import {useLoginWithFarcaster} from '@privy-io/expo';

export function LoginScreen() {
  const {loginWithFarcaster} = useLoginWithFarcaster({
    onError(error) {
      // show a toast, update form errors, etc...

  // ...

Tracking login flow state

The state variable returned from useLoginWithFarcaster will always be one of the following values.

export type FarcasterFlowState =
  | {status: 'initial'}
  | {status: 'error'; error: Error | null}
  | {status: 'generating-uri'}
  | {status: 'awaiting-uri'}
  | {status: 'polling-status'}
  | {status: 'submitting-token'}
  | {status: 'done'};

Conditional rendering

You can use the state.status variable to conditionally render your UI based on the user's current state in the login flow.

import {View, ActivityIndicator} from 'react-native';

import {useLoginWithFarcaster} from '@privy-io/expo';

export function LoginScreen() {
  const {state, loginWithFarcaster} = useLoginWithFarcaster();

  return <View>{state.status === 'polling-status' && <ActivityIndicator />}</View>;

Error state

When state.status is equal to 'error', the error value is accessible as state.error which can be used to render inline hints in a login form.

import {useLoginWithFarcaster, hasError} from '@privy-io/expo';

export function LoginScreen() {
  const {state, loginWithFarcaster} = useLoginWithFarcaster();

  return (
      {/* other ui... */}

      {state.status === 'error' && (
          <Text style={{color: 'red'}}>There was an error</Text>
          <Text style={{color: 'lightred'}}>{state.error.message}</Text>

      {hasError(state) && (
        // The `hasError` util is also provided as a convenience
        // (for typescript users, this provides the same type narrowing as above)
          <Text style={{color: 'red'}}>There was an error</Text>
          <Text style={{color: 'lightred'}}>{state.error.message}</Text>